"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 1 Corinthians 9:7
We encourage all of those who are part of our Citadel Church family and community to give—not out of obligation but out of a spirit of worship. "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NIV) Your gifts allow God's work to be done in our midst, in our community, and in the world around us.
You can rest assured that your electronic giving by credit card or ACH bank transfer is totally safe. Your information is held securely by an SSL encrypted connection. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.
Text your amount to 84321. You will be given instruction on how to complete your giving. View the video at the bottom of this page to understand how text to give works.
Givelify is the largest free APP for church giving and nonprofit donations with one account, all in one place. Givelify allows users to export financial data in CSV file format to keep personal giving records.
You can download the Gively App on Apple App Store and on Google Play. When in the App, search and locate Citadel of Praise, Detroit, MI.
CASH APP - $CITADELDETROIT. Cash App is a mobile payment service developed by Square, Inc., allowing users to transfer money to one another using a mobile phone app. You can download Cash App on Itunes Store and on Google Play. When in Cash App, search and locate Citadel of Praise at $CitadelDetroit.
Important notice: Due to the limited and incomplete name and address information requested in Cash App, we cannot guarantee the inclusion of your Cash App contributions in your annual giving statement. We strongly recommend maintaining your personal records of donation via Cash App.
If you prefer, you can mail your donation to our mailing address at
Citadel of Praise
18701 Grand River, #166
Detroit, MI 48223.
Or you can drop off your donations to the Citadel Administration Building. If no one is there, you can leave it in the front door in the secure mail chute.
Remember, there are many easy ways for you to give, including
Although no law requires the church to issue donors a receipt, Citadel issues donors, who has giving at least $250 during the previous year, an annual giving statement as a courtesy to allow donors to deduct their contributions. Statements are mailed by the end of January to the donor. The truth of the matter is that when a donor claims a tax deduction for charitable contributions given to a nonprofit organization, the burden of proof falls upon the donor.
To update your address or any other information, click on button.