Life Groups Curriculum

We all face adversity in different aspects of our lives, and sometimes it feels like we’re battling alone. But this semester, we’re going to explore how key figures in the Bible overcame hardship, persevered with courage, and demonstrated loyalty. Join us each week as we delve into the lives of the Champions of Faith and discover how their stories can inspire and guide us in our own journeys.

Overcoming Adversity

Week 1 Sep 23rd - Joseph’s Dreams and Betrayal

Discussion: Joseph's early dreams and the jealousy of his brothers.
Activity: Share personal experiences of betrayal or hardship.

  • Genesis 37

Week 2 Sep 30th - Joseph’s Rise to Power

Discussion: Joseph’s journey from prison to becoming Pharaoh’s right-hand man.
Activity: Identify ways God has turned difficult situations into blessings.

  • Genesis 39-41

Loyalty and Faithfulness

Week 3 Oct 7th - Ruth’s Loyalty to Naomi

Discussion: Ruth’s decision to stay with Naomi and her faithfulness.
Activity: Reflect on the importance of loyalty in relationships.
  • Ruth 1

Week 4 Oct 14th - Ruth’s Provision and Boaz

Discussion: Ruth’s work in Boaz’s fields and her eventual marriage to Boaz.
Activity: Discuss the blessings that come from faithfulness and hard work.

  • Ruth 2-4

Courage and Leadership

Week 5 Oct 21st - Esther’s Rise to Queen

Discussion: Esther’s journey to becoming queen and her initial challenges.
Activity: Share personal stories of stepping into leadership roles.
  • Esther 1-2

Week 6 Oct 28th - Esther’s Boldness to Save Her People

Discussion: Esther’s courage in approaching the king to save the Jews.
Activity: Discuss ways to be courageous in standing up for what is right.

  • Esther 3-8

Week 7 Nov 4th - Wildcard Week

Vision and Perseverance

Week 8 Nov 11th - Nehemiah’s Vision to Rebuild

Nehemiah’s burden for Jerusalem and his initial steps to rebuild the wall.
Activity: Identify areas in personal life or community that need rebuilding.
  • Nehemiah 1-2

Week 9 Nov 18th - Overcoming Opposition

Discussion: Nehemiah’s perseverance despite opposition.
Activity: Discuss strategies to stay focused and overcome challenges.

  • Nehemiah 4-6

Week 10 Nov 25th - Thanksgiving
Week 11 Dec 2nd - All In Session